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Attracting, engaging and retaining talent is essential for any company. BASF is no exception. BASF wants to be a company competitive with their peers, and a place where employees can thrive and grow. A robust survey revealed that BASF’s Compelling Total Offer was on par—and often better—than that of their competitors. However, the perception of current and prospective employees didn’t aligned with this truth.

BASF knew they needed a solution beyond traditional HR and marketing packages. It was a brand problem, not just a communications problem. They needed a solution that didn’t change the offerings but changed the perception.

Charged with creating a campaign that increased employee engagement, I led the team in the ideation, creation, and launch of you@BASF, an integrated program that promoted the company’s total offer in a compelling way.

After three years, the positive perception of the company’s offerings increased from 27% to 58%. The you@BASF program’s North American success inspired BASF to launch the program globally.

you@BASF Periodic Table of Benefits

you@BASF Periodic Table of Benefits

YOU Magazine

View YOU Magazine

Print brochure

Print brochure

One-sheets promoting the four benefit categories 

One-sheets promoting the four benefit categories 

